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thorough way中文是什么意思

用"thorough way"造句"thorough way"怎么读"thorough way" in a sentence


  • 直远道路


  • You cannot cut corners if you want to do it in a complete and thorough way
    (你若想完整与彻底地做这件事,你就不能草率。 )
  • Method provides a thorough way of comparing the current string object to another string or object
    String . compare方法提供了将当前字符串对象与另一个字符串或对象进行全面比较的方法。
  • Taking geometry structural analogue method , analysis landscape spatial network structure , visual section form , landscape elements and their arrangement rule , detail characteristics in particular , using landscape planning as the main analytical tool , we analyze and assess the traditional landscape quality in xitang in a thorough way
用"thorough way"造句  
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